Uncertain Health in
an Insecure World – 82
“Dearly Beloved”
"We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called life"
When a mourning dove dutifully cares for its mate's lifeless body, it cries out in loneliness.
Knowing the cause of a single death is less important than what our reactions say about the meaning of that life.
To get through this thing called life"
When a mourning dove dutifully cares for its mate's lifeless body, it cries out in loneliness.
Knowing the cause of a single death is less important than what our reactions say about the meaning of that life.
Today, there's no mysterious missing airplane, no sub-equatorial
viral threat, and no refugees fleeing from the sound of gunfire. There is just a
57 year-old previously healthy Black male who died suddenly at home in an elevator.
Dumbstruck fans and the 24/7 global media demand to know, “Why?” Under these unique conditions, a full
autopsy and toxicology are undertaken to answer the world’s question.
Eventually, medical investigators deliver an answer, but this does nothing to resolve
the finality of such a loss for friends and family.
We are a curious tribe, with limited tolerance for
ambiguity. It makes us go crazy...
But pending the outcome of the definitive studies into Prince
Rogers Nelson’s death, we can develop a differential diagnosis that applies to 99% of his health risk profile. This probability analysis can be fit to the likeliest causes of sudden death in his cohort.
There’s an old saw among doctors and pathologists that
“common things are common.” The most
common cause of sudden death in previously healthy middle-aged men is coronary
heart disease. A clot unexpectedly forms in a major coronary artery (above), without any
previously known plaque blocking the vessel. This acutely reduces the downstream
blood flow to heart muscle, creating an electrical instability in the heart
rhythm. The heart muscle chokes, begins to die, and develops “bag of worms” dysrhythmia called ventricular
fibrillation (above). Cardiac arrest is often followed by a full cardiac standstill (i.e., asystole).
If the above events are “witnessed”,
a potentially lethal catastrophe can be salvaged in the field by effective CPR (above),
and in medical facilities by clot-busting lytic drugs. If these are
unavailable, the outcome is almost universally fatal (below) – yet another sudden cardiac
death. For this reason, Prince’s post-mortem will include a careful examination
of the heart for coronary artery blockages, blood clots and heart muscle damage
(i.e., myocardial necrosis).
A person who dies suddenly is not available for doctors to
obtain a medical history. Just as the police were called into Paisley Park rule
out trauma and foul play (apparently, not the case with Prince),
forensic investigations of previous life circumstances and habits,
including recent medical conditions or related health events, can be highly
revealing for contributing factors.
In Prince’s case, the press has revealed the following
clues. First, he had been suffering
from “flu-like” symptoms for several
weeks, forcing him to cancel some appearances. Certain non-flu viruses (i.e., Coxsackie) can spread to infect the heart muscle, producing lethal viral cardiomyopathy, predisposing to a sudden cardiac death. Second, it is reported that
Prince received naloxone (Narcan™) to reverse the effects of a narcotic
(oxycodone?) when his airplane emergency landed in Moline Illinois. While he
was not known to being suffering from drug addiction, a narcotic overdose could
cause an acute respiratory collapse. However, stimulant drugs like cocaine are
more likely to produce a lethal heart rhythm disturbance and/or coronary artery
spasm. Third, if Prince had been
physically inactive from long airplane flights or suffering
from undiagnosed cancer, this might have caused a deep vein thrombus (DVT) in
the legs or pelvis that could throw off a blood clot to the lungs. A resulting pulmonary
embolism (PE), if massive, could have caused sudden death; the full autopsy
included a careful look at the lungs.
Although Prince had access to the best medical care during
his life, it is conceivable that he had an unknown medical illness. He
could have been born with a congenital coronary blood vessel abnormality, or a
genetic heart muscle condition called hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
(HOCM) that is more common in Black males. But these conditions usually restrict
physical activity early in life, causing warning symptoms like chest pain,
shortness of breath, dizziness and/or fainting.
Prince had not recently traveled abroad (other than to Canada
in March), so it’s unlikely that his sudden death was from a common South
American heart muscle inflammation caused by T. Cruzi infection, called
Chaga’s Disease. Another immune-mediated heart muscle inflammation (sarcoidosis)
that is more common among Blacks could have created the flu-like symptoms and
weight loss that some had observed in Prince.
The causal list is long… the possibilities are almost
But “common things are
common”, even among uncommonly talented people.
In the end, understanding things after death (i.e., through post-mortem
examination) does not assure that death could have been prevented. A 2003 British
Heart Foundation study showed that among 3,500 apparently healthy U.K. adults
who die suddenly each year, in 4% no cause for death can be found despite a
full autopsy. Like Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), British experts coined
the term “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”
(SADS) to characterize these mysterious, presumably electrical heart rhythm sudden
deaths. Like SIDS parents, surviving SADS family members crave answers and
deserve explanations.
Unfortunately, medical science is imperfect, without answers
for every life & death circumstance.
Prince was an exceptional artist, and an imperfect human organism.
Regardless of his musical greatness and personal legacy, he
was just a man, and subject to the physical frailties of all middle-aged men.
We all rail against the unruly suddenness of The Artist’s unexpected passing.
And while his fans cry, they will eventually get past this natural death, whatever the cause.
And while his fans cry, they will eventually get past this natural death, whatever the cause.
We in the Square do not have a favorite Prince song; his was a body of work from a soul that lives on.
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